The beauty and power of youth
The world’s future is built around youth culture. A future Michelle Obama, Barak Obama, Mary J. Blige, Beyonce, or Cardi B is birthed from the womb of a woman. Women are the first teachers of the child. Everything a child believes feels, and aspires to be in life reflects from their teachings.
Youthful exuberance is a beautiful evolution to witness. Seeing a young person learn, process, and execute to their level of greatness is divine. Older people ensure the youth are empowered, educated, and positioned for their supremacy.
Singers are born and not created. Recording Artist and Young Mogul IAMQUEENBROOKLYN understand her life’s purpose.
IAMQUEENBROOKLYN’s angelic voice captures the hearts and souls of people. Listening to IAMQUEENBROOKLYN’s music, you hear a musical prodigy’s natural gift.
IAMQUEENBROOKLYN’s music paints a vivid picture of the bloom of youth, future love, life’s curiosities, and impossible dreams. IAMQUEENBROOKLYN’s music catalog resonates with people seeking to believe in the strength of positivity and power of dream chasing.
IAMQUEENBROOKLYN joined forces with RADIOPUSHERS and MUSICHYPEBEAST in 2021. RADIOPUSHERS curates human-growth-based monetization solutions for aspiring artists.