Tell us about you:
My name is Jose and I’m originally from New York, New York, but I currently live in Kissimmee, Florida.
I love music because it transcends. It captivates. It speaks. It motivates. It enhances. It calms. It reaches. Most importantly, it touches hearts! One of my philosophies is “music is passion when it comes from the soul!” I believe it can alter moods, attitudes, and situations! Having been in the entertainment field for over 20 years, I have been able to see, firsthand, the effects that music can have on people. That’s why it’s such a HUGE part of my life and I couldn’t be more grateful or more honored to have been chosen as a vessel to house this gift and create such life changing moments through music. Basically, music is a universal language that we all understand and I want to continue communicating with it.
I believe that what makes me different as a music artist is the fact that I am not just another artist pining for the chance to become the next sensation. I’m not looking for nor do I desire fame and all that comes with it. My aim is to simply take people on a journey that will touch their hearts, alter their perspectives and, ultimately, change their lives! I am the kind of artist that longs to do more than just tickle your auditory senses. I aspire to penetrate the very depths of ones inner being, thoughts, soul. I am different because being a singer, a music artist, is more about the God in me than the me that He created. If anything sets me apart more, I believe that’s the best explanation. When I step out onto a stage, I always say “God, have Your way. Let your presence be felt. Let them see You and none of me.” I just don’t ever want it to be about me.
In 5 years, I see myself still performing, as well as, spreading the message of Christ to everyone who is willing to listen. About a year ago, I was ordained a Pastor and, shortly thereafter, was given the responsibility of opening up a church. 5 years from now, I pray that I am succeeding in accomp
lishing all that God’s called me to do – through music and ministry.
There are so many things that I would like to accomplish in life. However, all in all, I just aspire to help, encourage, and empower others to live out their passions/dreams! After all is said and done, my mantra, in life is…”Blessed to be a blessing, Called to make a difference, Dedicated changing lives!”
I believe that I bring a fresh, new, yet all-encompassing sound to the music world. I’ve always said that no two singers are the same just like no two businesses are the same, which means that you’re not always going to immediately appeal to everyone, no matter how talented you are! You know, “different strokes for different folks.” However, I truly believe that my gift is God-given and my relationship with Him is what has really made me, not only stand out in this business, but also and more importantly, penetrate hearts.
I want to be remembered as someone who made a positive difference in the world in as many ways as possible. Someone who left an imprint in the hearts of everyone he encountered/crossed paths with. A true man of God who never compromised and made an overall impact in the world for Christ. I want to be remembered as someone who did what he loved, loved whatever he did, and exuded that love, passion, and happiness everywhere that he went. I always say that I genuinely love what I do and I just hope that it always shows. I want to be remembered for never forgetting that I am who I am because the I am lived and worked in/through me. I want to be remembered for having impacted lives, inspired change, and ignited purpose.