Eugene, a talent nurtured in the small town of Milledgeville, Georgia, and currently residing in Chicago, is making his mark on the music scene. Raised in a household that valued the richness of music from all over the world, his music taste is as diverse as his background.
A Lifelong Love for Music
Eugene’s love for music was fostered from a young age, with his parents always playing a variety of music ranging from rap to rock, and even Indian and African music. By the time he was in junior high school, Eugene was freestyling, writing songs, and recording his first tracks.
Honesty, Gratitude, and Connection
Eugene’s music stands out for its honesty and his down-to-earth approach to life. He believes in being grateful for what he has, and this gratitude shines through in his music. His ability to connect with a diverse range of individuals, from those with street backgrounds to PhD holders, people of different races, and creeds, helps him create music that resonates with many.
Favorite Lyrics and Future Plans
When asked about his favorite lyrics, Eugene jokes that there are too many to choose from. In terms of what he hopes to achieve, Eugene’s vision is clear. He wants to create and express himself, make his projects bigger and better, put out better videos, and reach more fans. Collaborating with other artists and making timeless art is also high on his list of priorities.
Upcoming Releases
Eugene has a lot in store for his fans. His next single, “Alone,” produced by his friend darkksettt, is set to be released soon, complete with a planned music video. Furthermore, he’s planning to drop a video for his latest single “New Heights” in February 2024, and a joint tape with @103_beans is also on the horizon.
Connect with Eugene
For those interested in following Eugene’s journey and staying updated with his latest releases, you can find him on Instagram and Twitter as @prodbyeugene and on TikTok as @prdbyeugene.
Eugene’s journey from a music-loving kid in Georgia to a rising artist in Chicago is a testament to his talent, hard work, and unique perspective. With his upcoming releases and his commitment to creating honest, relatable music, Eugene is certainly an artist to watch.