Stella Standingbear is an artist that is flourishing on Tik Tok. Last November 2022, the Native American superstar came in with a bang! Premiering her debut single, “Home Runs,” live on Fox13 News Utah.“Home Runs,” live on Fox13 News Utah. The Tik Tok community instantly caught on and started to create content with the sound. With support from the Tik Tok community, her hashtag #stellastandingbear, account @stellastandingbear, and creators using the Home Runs Sound, the growth of millions of views continue to rise on the platform.
On March 23rd, 2023, Stella returned to Fox13 News Utah to share her debut EP, Still Standing. Stella talks about her experience with generational trauma, mental health, and life challenges with an optimistic outlook. The sound is alternative-melodic rap with over 100k streams and counting on the project. Find the Still Standing EP on all streaming platforms.
Stella performed at arenas, packed-out shows, and half-time basketball games alongside artists like Kirko Bangz, Montana of 300, Futuristic, co-Signs from Dro Kenji, one track mind, and more, all in less than six months. The endless dedication and success prove that her future is bright. Connect with Stella here: