Kareem Elmashad heals your Mind with his New Track “What You Need”

Kareem Elmashad heals your Mind with his New Track “What You Need”

Kareem Elmashad uses music to elicit emotional reactions from his audience. This is especially apparent in the song “What You Need” Since its publication, the song has done wonders for Kareem’s career as a musician. Not only has it garnered a ton of attention for the artist, but it also shows that Kareem can continuously evolve his musical identity with time.

Making music is a difficult endeavor. Not only do you need to keep up with trends, but you also need to have the creativity to make something unique that stands out from the pack. Being unable to do this and evolve with time renders an artist boring and uninteresting. Thankfully, this does not apply to Kareem Elmashad, who’s been making strides with his new single “What You Need.”

Taking influences from smooth suave jazz music and infusing it with Kareem’s typical mix of catchy, upbeat dance music, and you get a song that’s easy to dance to while maintaining a mood that’s hard to match. While this may seem like an odd blend that wouldn’t go well together, this is nothing to Kareem. He takes all these different elements and makes them work to splendid effect on the single.

As a result of this eclectic blend, “What You Need,” is quite unlike anything you’ve heard before. As we’ve already said, the single is catchy and it’s easy to start dancing to the music thanks to its upbeat rhythm, but it also features potent songwriting that we didn’t exactly expect to see. It’s a welcome surprise however, showing a pleasant amount of depth.

The melancholic but romantic nature of the lyrics here are supplemented by Kareem’s smoothly performed delivery, a marked contrast from the typical catchy but plain lyrics we see in dance music. Musically the single is also complex, with soaring instrumentals establishing the atmosphere perfectly. It’s a prime example of conveying emotion and story through music.

Overall, “What You Need,” is a huge win for Kareem Elmashad’s musical career. It’s by and far one of his most impressive tracks, one that we’re sure will go down as one of his best. On top of that, we’re sure Kareem has more from where that came from. We can’t wait to see where his career goes after this, and we hope his next work is just as exciting as this single.

To hear more from Kareem Elmashad and stay up-to-date with his latest projects, you can check him out at the following links:


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