Exclusive Interview: Suego Valentino

Suego Valentino Drops New Single "3 AM in Tuscany"

Exclusive Interview: Suego Valentino

What 3 things does anyone starting in your industry need to know?

Hey there, aspiring artists! First off, remember that your creativity is your treasure – hold onto it tight. Learn the business side of things; independence doesn’t mean ignorance. Connect with your audience genuinely – they’re the ones who’ll carry your message far and wide.What would you do differently if you were starting in your industry now?
If I were starting today, I’d jump on all those digital opportunities to reach fans directly. The internet is a goldmine for artists of every genre. I’d also focus more on building a strong community around my music early on… and maybe dive into collaborations sooner – musical partnerships can be magical.

Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why?

Well, my parents and the rollercoaster life we’ve lived have definitely shaped me. Along with the real genuine and authentic bonds I’ve made with the people I love. But you know, it’s not just people – experiences have been my teachers too. As for books, I’d say anything about the music business and the changing landscape of the industry. Knowledge is power, after all.

What has been your biggest success story? Why do you think it was a success?

Hmm, my biggest success story so far would be that first song I made during lockdown, “VVs.” It was like unlocking a part of my soul. People resonated with it, and I think it’s because it was genuine – just raw emotion put into music. Authenticity, my friend, that’s the key.

What keeps you going when things get tough in the music industry?

You know, I’m still figuring this out myself. But I guess remembering where I came from, the hurdles I’ve already overcome, that’s what keeps me pushing forward. And knowing that my music can make someone’s day better, even if just for a moment.

What made you pursue being an Artist full-time?

Music’s been my constant companion, from those early composition classes to now. The first covid lockdown forced me to find solace in it, and once I realized the impact it could have, there was no turning back. The support of my friends, family, and my listeners fueled my belief in this journey.

Would you sign to a label?

I believe in this day and age, there are smarter ways to navigate this ever-changing industry. Staying independent gives me the freedom to shape my own destiny without compromising my artistic vision.

What projects are you working on for the rest of 2023?

I’m diving headfirst into creating my very first official album, “The Essence Of A Mystic Star.” It’s all about growth, self-discovery, and sharing that journey with my fans. And hey, who knows? I might just surprise everyone with some unreleased gems along the way. Stay tuned, my friends!

Instagram: https://instagram.com/theylovesuego?igshid=MmIzYWVlNDQ5Yg==


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