Exclusive Interview: Rising Artist Sean Delaney

Sean Delaney Releases New EP "Heart of A Lion"

Exclusive Interview: Rising Artist Sean Delaney

What is your name and what city do you rep?

My name is Sean Delaney and I represent Hudson NY.

Tell us about your latest releases, what inspired you to create them?

My latest release was the Heart of A Lion EP – It was created because I had taken a small hiatus in music during the pandemic. Once I began to write again, I felt a passion I haven’t felt in a long time. I had so much fun making each record. It assured me that writing was essential to feeling good in my life. Once I picked back up where I left off, I never looked back.

Being able to create a vast network online helped me create this 6 song Journey that quickly became a favorite amongst my fan base. I linked up with a singers from all over the country to build this body of work and it really came out exceptional. Then creating music music videos for every song on the record and giving the listeners a visual representation
was the cherry on top.

What is unique about you and your music?

Well the word is in the question “unique”. I love to be unique and original and think completely outside the box when I create. I love to stand behind myself as my own entity, my own brand. I love that I have thousands of people wearing my signature on their clothing. That’s why I love to create and invent ways for new fans to fall in love with what I do. I never took NO for an answer. I never gave up or quit my mission to become a recognizable name in the industry. I always came very close and it didn’t hit me until I realized I have an article in almost every reputable hip-hop magazine there is to see that I had finally reached the top of the mountain. I love that I can wake bring real and raw emotion with my talent and my words. That is the greatest feeling in the World.

What shaped your music? 

Poetry as a child really shaped my music. I remember writing poems and stories, all original. It helped me figure out how to really look deep inside my soul and try to find the best metaphors possible. It gave me an outlet to talk about things I felt when I needed to vent. I think I said this in every article but growing up and waking up to my father blasting all the Classic Rock downstairs was a juggernaut of a impact for me. Zeppelin, Beatles, Billy Joel, Pink Floyd, Santana – I really came to hear and understand how to conceptualize a great song. When my hometown fell in love with the 90’s Hip-Hop scene that is when rapping and turning my poetry into lyrical songs came about.

When did you realize you were going to make music professionally? 

I know at a young age I wanted to be an artist. I made 10 albums before I even got to where I am now. It took me many years of practice, hard work, rejection and dedication to form what I am today. I knew that music would be a part of my life forever. Seeing people’s faces during performances and seeing them cry over words that I wrote was when I knew music was it for me. It’s a feeling you really can’t explain.

What type of music do you listen to? 

I listen to many different genres of music. I am very eclectic when it comes to my music. I like Oldies and classics. I like grunge, rock, alternative, reggae, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, R&B and Hip hop. Even a little country surprisingly catches me off guard at times. So I guess I really listen to everything!

What inspires you to write music? 

It’s just natural. Like water flowing from a stream or leaves falling from trees it’s just my norm. I have always chronicled my life into chapters. I literally have books of each part of my life that have 50-to 100 songs in them. So I guess you could say I am more of a narrator of my life. I put it all into words that rhyme and I perfect it until I feel it is ready for the world to hear it.

What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about? 

I am very passionate about my family. I have a beautiful wife and 4 beautiful kids who are my world. They always say a women is the true power of a man’s success. I find that to be very true. My wife holds me down with every aspect of my life. She keeps me grounded and on point. So it’s very important that I find time to spend with them whenever I can because in the end the only thing you will have left is family. I am also very passionate about being a serial entrepreneur. I have my own successful clothing business and I am marketing executive for a large media organization. I am very thankful and grateful for my family and my businesses. That is what molds me into who I am.

Happiness to you is… 

Looking back and saying I achieved every goal I had in my planner. Being able to sit back with a drink and breathe a the air in knowing that I did everything that I set out to accomplish in my life. Knowing that I did the best to be the most amazing father and husband I could be along with being the best rapper I could of possibly imagined.

What do you wish you were told when you first started making music that you think would help artists just starting out?

Save your money and invest properly. If I had done so, being an independent artist wouldn’t have been such a struggle at times.Like they say…you live and you learn.

Tell us about your upcoming projects…

My next project will be the Heart of A Lion (full length album) An instant classic that truly shows my growth over the years of honing in on my craft.

A feel good message of never giving up mixed with a message of warning that we are hurting our world and our youth with certain things. I am very excited about this project.

Where do we find your music / music projects?


Best landing page ever! Everything you need to know about me as an artist is right here !

If you don’t have a hoo.be your missing out !

Any last words for the readers?
No matter what…never quit – your dreams are closer than you think to coming true

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