Zuke Gives Listeners a Sneak Peek of his incredible Upcoming EP “We Cannot be Eternal”

Zuke Gives Listeners a Sneak Peek of his incredible Upcoming EP "We Cannot be Eternal"

Zuke is a talented musician without a doubt, but his talents extend beyond his sonic creativity and into real-life situations.  His latest upcoming EP we cannot be eternal focuses on “the heartbreak side” of love, but could have easily been about “the vengeful side” of it.  It’s all about a constantly changing perspective for the Missouri native, who is looking to start a new chapter in his artistic career.

we cannot be eternal consists of a “bunch of summery indie inspired songs that are about the talking stage” according to Zuke himself.  He laments on the dating scene in 2023 and how it is truly a challenge to get to the next chapter of a new relationship in today’s day and age.

“I want this to be the start of a new chapter for me and it’s also intended to be the start of a trilogy of EPs,” said Zuke.  “I decided I wanted an indie-inspired EP to capture summer vibes but also because I felt that indie music can capture a lot of emotion.”

“People are going to dive into how I view relationships honestly,” he added.  “I think that love has been such a huge inspiration and huge push for me developing as an artist.”

Zuke consulted a trusted source for beats for his latest project: YouTube.  While some may knock going to the internet to find instrumentals, for artists like Zuke, YouTube is a great resource to find beats that are tailor-made for artists he’s inspired by.  Sonically, Zuke’s biggest influences, according to the man himself, are glaive, Waterparks, brakence and The Wallows.  Simply put, if you like any of these artists, then you’re sure to love Zuke.  But don’t get it twisted, he has his own unique sound that is sure to catch your ears.

“I don’t think any of these songs sound like something people have heard before and it doesn’t sound like any other artist in my opinion,” said Zuke.  “This merge of genres — indie, hyperpop and some rap and punk — is something I feel like isn’t explored much and I wanted to find a sound that I could claim as mine.”

As for his next moves, Zuke doesn’t plan on staying quiet.  He’s got more singles in the vault, and after the release of we cannot be eternal, he’s got two more EPs in the works.  He says that his next EP is going to be about “the need for love” and he believes that he is capable of coming up with a sound that no one has heard before for his next creative endeavors.  One listen to Zuke and it’s clear that he’s creating his own lane and getting to the top in the way that works best for him.  All signs are pointing towards a bright future.
we cannot be eternal drops May 19th.  You can stream the project and connect with Zuke by following him on Instagram.

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