What These 3 Chill Reggae Songs Taught Us About Life

What These 3 Chill Reggae Songs Taught Us About Life

Music is one of the truly most wonderful things in life. There is so much that music has to offer the world. From different moods to memories to emotions to experiences, music is a never-ending gift. Of course, each genre is going to give differently as well. For example, you will have dance music boosting your serotonin and putting you in that fun-loving mood. In contrast, you have rock songs that can get your head rocking and your heart pumping. This is often why you find so many people who enjoy a mix of favorite genres.

If you are looking for a happy, relaxed, and chill type of music to get you in the right mood, then there probably aren’t many options better than reggae. This type of music can almost be hypnotic at times, with how relaxing it is. No matter your favorite song genre, there is a good chance you can vibe with some reggae. Although not only do these songs sound amazing, they are often very insightful with a deeper meaning. For example, the following songs can teach you a lot about life, if you listen to them correctly. So be sure to focus on the lyrics the next time you are listening to the following tracks.

Three Little Birds – Bob Marley

When it comes to reggae, there is no doubt that Bob Marley is the king. He brought the genre mainstream and created a platform for so many amazing artists around the world. Doing this through music just goes to show you how powerful his songs are. Perhaps his most famous release is ‘Three Little Birds’. This is a song that everyone knows the words to, and everyone will nod their head along to. Although, how many people know what it actually means? The meaning of the three little birds is often debated among people. However, the purpose of the song was definitely clear. Bob Marley wants you to live your best life and try not to let your worries get in the way. Hence the iconic lyrics, “Don’t worry about a thing, ‘cause every little thing is gonna be alright.”

The Gambler – Busy Signal

Busy Singal’s ‘The Gambler’ is definitely not the most famous reggae track in the world. However, its meaning is one of the best. The story told in this song highlights the importance of being true to yourself and making the right decisions. Taking a gamble on yourself is not an easy thing to do, but it is often the right choice. Not to mention the gambling references in the song resonate with actual gamblers who often have to make calculated, wise decisions when playing certain games.

A good example is blackjack, which is one of the easiest casino games yet does require some rather savvy analytical decision-making if players are to stand a chance at actually winning, despite luck playing a huge part in the game. Trying out a round of blackjack will prove this (however, if you do wish to give it a shot, you must always play via a licensed site with strong security measures since not all online casinos are legit – platforms like spincasino.com/ca/ are a safe bet in this context).

Now That We Found Love – Third World

Love is a common subject in the world of reggae, which is a great thing. Not many songs highlight the importance of love better than ‘Now That We Found Love’ by Third World. The chill song not only gives a great melody but a great message as well, highlighting the all-important question of: is there anything that matters more in this life than love? Probably not.


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