Trevah is Going to be the Biggest Rapper in the World

Trevah is Going to be the Biggest Rapper in the World

Trevah is going to be the biggest rapper in the world for simple reasons. He’s in the fastest-growing genre of music

His music is good + he figured out the cheat code.

Canadian Rap is Going to be the Biggest Genre of Music. Rap Music is the most popular genre of music (TikTok, Spotify).

Although US rap has better marketing. I think Canadian Rappers are the most. As the world becomes more connected and things like TikTok democratize music distribution. The best music will be the most popular music regardless of marketing budgets.

So whoever is the biggest rapper in Canada will be the biggest rapper in the world.

His Music is Good

No matter how good your marketing is. The music has to be good.

Trevah is the most talented rapper in Canada. Music is subjective so let me break down what he does well.

His lyrics have meaning.

He enunciates his words clearly.

He figured to cut the cheat code of “street” but not “too street”.

My theory is that most people don’t actually like the violence, drug use, materialism, and over-sexualization prevalent in rap music. People kind of just tolerate it because that is the catchiest type of music.

The problem is that most of the “wholesome” music is boring.

The cheat code is to make a more positive type of music (that isn’t too corny) and throw it on a catchy BPM beat.

See: Drake and Pre-2009 Kanye are 2 other good examples of this

Trevah is a smart businessman. I think he’s adopting the “street” persona because it’s popular right now. Based on his older videos I think he’s more of an R&B/ “afro swing” kind of guy.

Just like how I think Drake and Kanye are R&B artists at heart. They became rappers because that’s where the money and status are.

Social media’s
Instagram : trevahh_
Twitter : Iamtrevah
Spotify : Trevah

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