Tony Smmith Discusses His Upbringing & Route To Success

Tony Smmith Discusses His Upbringing & Route To Success

Tony Smmith is a notable figure from Carson, California an American Entrepreneur who was born February 12, 1991. Growing up in his hometown he started rising to fame once he began pursuing skateboarding as a hobby, in 2007 he was discovered by professional skateboarder Terry Kennedy and his journey to success was always defined as staying consistent and having fun with your passion he also details special things happen when you decide to explore and try new things because he feels being in a comfortable space limits your growth and opportunity’s that could possibility change your life.

His influences were music legends Eazy-E and Kurt Cobain he tells us that it was more than just listening to there records he would actually study and learn from them by watching there interviews on YouTube they just had a different mindset approach there style and delivery was unique when it came to there craft it definitely inspired me to push for greatness.

Tony Smmith states in life when you fall tough it out and get right back up that’s what skateboarding taught him was to never give up no matter how hard it gets you may not know where to start or how it’s going to happen but as long as you have a great value of confidence within yourself you’ll reach your purpose.

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