Tiffany Haddish Bombs New Year’s Eve Set, Crowd Boos

Tiffany Haddish Bombs New Year's Eve Set, Crowd Boos

Tiffany didn’t have a stellar start to the New Year.

Welp, it sounds like Tiffany Haddish‘s New Year’s Eve didn’t quite go as planned. The comedian found fame this past year, thanks in part to roles in movies like Girl’s Trip and the release of her memoir.

With all this fame, comes the constant prying eye of the paparazzi and the public at large. Thus, Tiffany Haddish is tackling a minor fiasco from her stand-up comedy show in Miami last night, head on.

Haddish had a sold-out gig at the James L. Knight to help ring in the New Year. Apparently her routine last night did not go as she had planned, with the venue beginning to empty at one point– and this alone is enough to make any comedian stress out on stage.

The Root reports that Tiffany forgot some of her jokes mid-set, and the jokes she was relaying weren’t connecting with the audience as expected. As fans started to exit the venue, Tiffany told the remaining crowd, “This is weird for me.” She said, “This is going to be on TMZ or whatever.” Indeed, it is.

Tiffany, who was also on the receiving end of the crowd’s “boo’s,” ultimately cut her set short after attempting to read a few more jokes off her iPad. She ended the night by opening up a bottle of Ciroc and drinking with fans in the venue.

TMZ obtained that footage, just as Tiffany predicted, which you can catch below. The star is in a rambling state, telling the audience she can’t remember any of her jokes.

Tiffany has also addressed the incident directly on twitter, as you can see above. “I wish it was better Miami,” she wrote to her followers, “I prayed on it and I have a strong feeling this will never happened again.”

Do you think she handled the situation well?

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