EP: IDK – “IDK & Friends”

Stream IDK IDK Friends Ep

Stream IDK IDK Friends Ep

Stream IDK IDK Friends Ep, Friends, how many of us have them? Currently putting in work on his official debut album, Is He Real, IDK links up with a few of his comrades for a new EP.

“These are raw and uncut idk thoughts,” IDK said. “I’ve done a lot of features with my friends and I feel like it would be a shame to let that music go to waste. IDK IDK Friends Ep Stream

This is in no way shape or form as deep as many of my previous projects as a whole, BUT I think each song is fire and gets the point across in a short amount of time.” “I don’t want anyone to have any expectations for this project.

I don’t want it to be mistaken for my debut album,” he continued. “I took the time to work on my hooks and keep a level of simplicity in each track, but at the same time still keep it clever as usual. I just want y’all to enjoy the crank and play the f*ck out of it while we wait for me to complete the album.”

Led by “Moral” with Maxo Kream and “Once Upon A Time” with Denzel Curry, the seven-track release also features collaborations with Wale, Q Da Fool, Domo Genesis, Thirty Rack, and Rico Nasty.

Check it out below and be sure to add IDK & Friends on your preferred streaming platform.

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