Spades Smoove Remains Focused

Spades Smoove

Spades Smoove, born Devon Edwards, is an independent artist based out of Brooklyn, New York. He got into music at a very young age as his family has always had strong ties to music. They all have a natural talent, but Spades Smoove was the one to take it to another level. He has always seen music as his destiny and has filled himself with dedication and commitment to his craft.

He has been doing music all his life and does not believe he will ever stop. This was not an easy journey however. He, like many artists, struggled with staying dedicated to his music and never giving up. It’s hard to put yourself out there but Spades Smoove knew he had a special talent that he needed to share with the world. He gets musical inspiration from many places including artists such as Rihanna and Pharell, but also his main inspiration is himself. He inspires himself to be the best he can be and that is reflected in his music.

Spades Smoove has had many achievements in his musical career, but his greatest one being when he did a record titled “Joker’s Secret.” This was when he knew he could experience different things in music and this was the right path for him. When listening to his music, he wants his fans to get positive energy and hopes his songs can help steer people down the right path the same way music did this for him.

Spades Smoove is always hard at work getting new projects ready for his fans. His newest release dropped last month titled ‘No Cash Flow’. This song is about being confident when others try to bring negative energy to your life. Stay tuned for more releases from Spades Smoove this year by following his Instagram. You can listen to all his hits on Spotify.

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