“Read My Mind” is like a looking glass constructed by Shawn Khares

Shawn Khares

“Read My Mind” has outperformed all expectations and set new streaming records. As a consequence of this song, Shawn’s name has been well-known, and his career has taken off. His name is now well-known around the world.

Shawn released an EP with three songs this year. Each of these songs is doing admirably on its own. The song “Read My Mind” appears to be more popular than the others. Shawn has truly outdone himself with this song, and we applaud him.

Shawn is able to make tunes that catch the listener’s attention and deliver a one-of-a-kind experience by integrating instruments and other sounds. Shawn is recognized for his EDM-influenced house music. These songs are written in such a way that the listener will be able to dance to the music when they hear them. This is exemplified by the song “Read My Mind.”

Listen to “Read My Mind” on Spotify:

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