R&B Artist Contagiou$ Opens Up About His Life And Mindset

R&B Artist Contagiou$ Opens Up About His Life And Mindset

We had a moment to sit down with R&B and performing artist Contagiou$ to talk about his lifestyle and what his new EP means for his brand.

At what point do you feel like you really crossed over from trying, to doing?

 I crossed over the trying-to-doing once I moved to California and signed myself out of the system knowing that I had to go for what I wanted…

Did you ever fake it till you made it?

 I never faked it, to make it but if I did, the feeling of success for me wouldn’t be as exciting.

I wanted to, but just didn’t want it that easy or to be looked at as if I was that type of artist.

Are there things you did in your life where things just got much easier after you made a change?

 Oh yes, so many things. It felt like there was time that I wasn’t balanced so I needed to recenter myself and my surroundings in order to grow even more.

Is success for you more about money or time? Which one makes you feel more successful?

 Success to me is more about doing what I love and being able to inspire people. Money comes and money goes.

All these things that we want to buy. We can’t take that with us when we are gone. So I want to be able to leave my mark and my legacy.

To be able to support other people just like me. Money is not everything. It does help us out, but it’s a thin line between hungry and greedy.

What made you get into music?

 I had no other choice. I have a story I was given to be able to share it and my experiences.

What I came from and went through, I had to be able to share it with the world.

When can your fans expect a new EP?

 I’ll be releasing some new music in early 2023. Locking myself in the studio until I can give the people what they want.

Listen to more of Contagiou$:

Follow Contagiou$ on Instagram: https://instagram.com/theofficialcontagious_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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