Puablo15 Will Be Hosting Podcast Called “The L’s We Take”

Based off people taking losses in there life and laughing about it rather it’s catching an std or an received ass whooping by the Highschool bully etc.

Puablo15 Will Be Hosting Podcast Called “The L’s We Take”

Puablo15 will hosting a podcast called “The L’s We Take” based off people taking losses in there life and laughing about it rather it’s catching an std or an received ass whooping by the Highschool bully etc. This podcast will embrace the loses that make us who we are in this world. This world nowadays can be so artificial. Most celebrities, Models, Business People have to put on a mask to seem perfect around peers.

Puablo15 will be creating a safe place for Artist & entrepreneurs to talk about the lessons in life. Accepting our imperfections is not about beating ourselves down. It’s about acknowledging the human frailty that lies in our inherent paradox. As the Cherokee legend goes, we have two wolves of the heart—one of love, the other of hatred—and moral dilemmas are about the quandary of which one to feed. Find Your Imperfection. Like strengths, imperfections can lie deeply embedded within you. But given that working on them can become your greatest source of fulfillment, you owe it to yourself to find them.

Do you struggle with your emotions—perhaps an anger streak that’s hard to control? Or an impatience that stops you from committing yourself fully to a meaningful direction? Be inquisitive, not judgmental. Be curious and kind to yourself. Imperfections don’t make you defective. They make you human. Use Your Strengths Strengths are our “natural resources” that allow us to live as the highest version of ourselves.

We all have 24 strengths that are part of our character toolbox. And just like tools, each one can be handy in different situations. Once you’ve identified the imperfections you need to work on, look in your toolbox and identify the strength that can help you. For example, when I struggle with keeping my cool with my children, I tap into Perspective to enter their lives, and try to see the situation through their adolescent lens. Which tool do you use? Perhaps it’s easier for you to nurture your Compassion in those moments, or maybe Curiosity to marvel at how their minds work!

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