Portugal Artists Paulo & Fonsi Release their New Album “All About it”

Portugal Artists Paulo & Fonsi Release their New Album "All About it"

Artists Paul & Fonsi open the diary pages on “All about it,” a debut album that was released on October 7.

“We call it ‘All about ir’ because it’s a conversation from ourselves to ourselves and from us to everybody. It’s a very genuine album, something unrepeatable, special, and the essence of it is a little bit our diary and it’s a little bit strange, because everybody will be reading our diary,” the artists mentioned in an interview.

Paulo Neves (21 years old) and Alfonso Serra (24 years old) became known to the public in 2020, through their Instagram page (Instagram.com/Pauloandfonsi) and today they dedicate themselves to music and traveling the world and eventually discovered that this was their dream.

“Ever since I was a kid I’ve always written songs. Obviously at the time they were about friendships or something, but I always loved playing with music and making little melodies on the piano,” he shared, recalling that at the age of 13 he wanted to learn to play the piano, says Paulo Neves.

“I only wrote songs because I needed to write songs, because I needed to process something I experienced, to think about it, and that is my way of thinking, of putting it into a logic,” he mentioned.

The artist couple’s album punctuates a string of heavy, sentimental moments that are encompassed through clever lyricism, pop vibes, and genuine heartache. Although many of the songs move through some pretty heavy moments that they both went through together, we can all relate, to some extent and in the time of our lives, in different circumstances.

Listen to “All About it” on Spotify below.

Follow them on:

Instagram: https://Instagram.com/pauloandfonsi

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0p2FY8GmfEuFEtfyL5wdYP?si=-ArgwprbQPu-b6ozoRbyFg

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pauloandfonsi

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW7DIn6ZvoFhB6V5CFzS2bA

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