Persian Bella Ciao By Armes Nadali

Persian Bella Ciao By Armes Nadali


In 2019,people of Iran started a protest in the streets, and the internet was banned for ten days; after that, the tension between Iran and USA was so high that the hashtag world war 3 was a trend on Twitter everybody talked about the relationship between Iran and us, and there was fear in Iran.


At that time. ArmesNadali released a song called Bella ciao, the cover of the Italian song with the same name; Bella ciao  was initially a song by the Mondina workers in protest against the harsh working conditions in the paddy fields of northern Italy and almost had a cover in every language that the song was modified and adopted as an anthem of the Italian resistance movement by the partisans who opposed nazi-fascism between 1943 and 1945 during their fight against the occupying forces of Nazi Germany allied to the fascist and collaborationist Italian Social Republic, although some historians argue that there is little to no evidence that this song was actually sung by Italian partisans. in this track, Armes invites people to peace, and in the song, he says. ” after these days after these nights the handful of memory will be found ” the song was full of good feelings for people, and it was heartwarming for those days.

Two days after the release of the song, ArmesNadali decided to make a video for this track; until that day, Armes had released seven music videos, but this one was different and so risky because maybe people at that time didn’t want to hear about a good vibe, after all, they were mourning in this video which is available on YouTube.

Armes and the actor girl going down the street and suddenly hugging people, everybody laughs and hugs back, smiling at each other. And after 4 hours, he released the video on Instagram and sent it to Persian video media; soon, this video about the circumstances of Iran became a hit, And many Persian celebrities shared this video among stars. Hollywood Persian comedian MazJobrani shared the video also, and the Persian International magazine the Tehran times shared the Bella ciao of ArmesNadali sharing this song on those days became a way for people to tell how they felt about that dark time and everybody needed peace. And this music stays in the memory of the Iranian People.

They are many good artists in Iran, many promising filmmakers like Asghar Farhadi Abbass Kiarostami and many good artists that live in liminess in Iran or maybe in the middle east; rock and hip hop music are forbidden; rock artists can’t make money from their art and can’t make a concert or sell albums.

If you do a rock concert without a government license, you have to go to jail for that reason.Many musicians pick a pop genre for their work, and tiny people who work as rock music artists must of them leave the country.

ArmesNadali started rock music in 2004 when he was 12 years old. He became famous in 2012 for one rock song called hame chi avaz shod; he released Jadde o to, which became a hit in Iran with 80 million population. Many people in Iran don’t know about the rock genre. Still, these tracks make ArmesNadali famous media doesn’t support him, and the music mafia in Iran tries to put him down, so he decides to do eligible concerts around Iran.

ArmesNadali started an eligible tour around Iran. He went from place to place, and he did 64 underground concerts. He risked his life; he went to coffee places, parks, malls, and in the street, and their fan came for their music. And as a result, concerts became 27 tracks, and Armes released those 27 tracks in an album called Jadde o to, which is available on any platform.

ArmesNadali now has fans in Iran, but because in Iran, Spotify, youtube, telegram, and Twitter filters, and don’t have any banks related to the world, he can’t make money, and he has a wife and children.

As I said before, ArmesNadali, in 2019, when tension between Iran and us was high during that time, the hashtag world war 3 was a trend. Iranian people started a 16-day protest agast government, and the internet was cut off for ten days; he released a song named Bella ciao to invite people of the world to peace; this guy Armes made a video for that song that touches the heart of many people.

I hope Armes is doing well now; he hasn’t released a song for two years, and he is a multi-task artist. Armes is an actor and singer-producer songwriter. But Armes, at that time, was in rock music; he made seven videos, and Armes produced all videos; he acted in those videos and wrote the script of those music videos; he played some short films too. Now he said he would release 2 or 5 songs this year.

This guy ArmesNadali is a genius, but the government of Iran won’t let him do his art and make a piece of music or movie and make money from his art.

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