New Jersey Rising Artist SG Lam Making Serious Motion

New Jersey Rising Artist SG Lam Making Serious Motion

As a kid from Trenton, who or what inspired you to start making music?

What inspired me to start creating music was the culture of North Trenton, I feel like I wanted to paint a picture of how I was viewing life on my side of town so that people would understand how it is being from the 6 and going thru my daily endeavors.

If you had a chance to work with anyone in music, whether it’s a rapper, producer, or just a great music mind, who would it be?

If I could pick one rapper honestly it would be est gee and producer that I would like to work with fr I would say quayglobal I fw his sound

Was there ever a particularly verse or song that you wrote that made you think “Damn I can really go somewhere with this rap thing” ?

Honestly I wouldn’t say particular verse or song but I had got that feeling that I could go somewhere with it when a youngboy around my way told me my music saved them. I asked him what he meant and he told me they had got into a car chase and while they were on it they threw on my “First Day Out” and he said once he put it on as his chase music they ended up getting low from the boys. Once I heard that I was like damn these niggas believe in me fr.

What were the initial challenges you faced as a artist ? Have they changed the longer you’ve worked? 

My initial challenges I faced as an artist I feel as tho was me taking the music I was making serious and believing that my art is the movement. The longer I worked had fasho made a difference cuz now I know my art is starting a crazy motion out here.

How do you describe the music you make?

I would describe the music I make as a “astronaut music”

What is one piece of practical advice you would give someone looking to start their music career?

Don’t take no advice go hard as hell

Would you stay independent or sign to a major label?

I would sign if the deal is interesting enough man I’m always open to see what’s next foreal

What projects are you working on for 2024 and beyond? 

I’m Working on a album I wanna drop in the spring and this next project is the best art I feel I ever made it’s allot to come it’s gone fuck the streets up fasho ima keep yall updated on ig

What are you trying to get out of music? Is it the money to support those around you?, is it like therapy to you?, or creating a legacy?, what are you trying to accomplish?

Man osrs I never wanted to do this music shit when I was younger at all my brother Zman pushed me he told me take this shit serious. What I’m trying to get out of it I’m not really sure But I know I’m telling my story. It ain’t for everybody but I make it for the ones thats gone tell you “this nigga SG LAM hard af” this just a way I can express myself so people can try to understand what I be feeling and think. Whatever fruits comes from me doing this form of art is just a plus.

Alright, so before we go, how can our readers connect with you to learn more and show support?

My Instagram and twitter is @sglamchop my music is streaming on all platforms the Ep is called “Big Shark In Water”

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