Nasti Musiq is elevated and evolving in his purpose in 2022


The pain and beauty of evolution

Evolution’s definition is developed gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form. Evolving into the highest form of your potential catapults a person into a supreme being. Refining your weaknesses into strengths is a gargantuan task in life.

Seeing your flaws is simple. Recognizing your shortcomings is a soul-searching moment of truth, and there is only an audience of ‘1’ in the room. Walking in your purpose is a defining moment and commands taking the path of most resistance. The beauty of evolution is knowing the pain endured to reach manifestation.

Nasti Musiq has no golden parachute in the music industry

Nasti Musiq inhales fear and exhales unequaled courage. Understanding the difference between now and never is critical in pursuing greatness.

God blessed Nasti Musiq with the angelic ability to sing. Possessing this musical gift is a powerful intangible and transforms people’s lives. Nasti Musiq’s music triggers deep emotions, indescribable pain, hidden places of love and faith.

Nasti Musiq’s music speaks to people’s inner willpower and heart. Listening to Nasti Musiq’s music, you have a front-row seat in his mind and soul. Nasti Musiq’s is an emerging force in the world of R&B. Everything he sings about originates from a place of undying love and passion.

Jonathan P-Wright is a to journalist for 24HIP-HOp and RADIOPUSHERS.

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