Ms. Lyra Vega: The Reigning Spoken Word Artist And Queen

Ms. Lyra Vega: The Reigning Spoken Word Artist And Queen

Triple threat spoken word artist, producer and ghostwriter, the queen; Ms. Lyra Vega continues her pursuit for greatness in the music industry and entertainment industry all together effortlessly. From writing for Bill Curtis of the Fatback Band, to airing her own spoken word on air through platforms such as Blogspotradio and Gen Z Hip Hop. Having been doing what she does best her entire life, we expect nothing less from the young star. 

Her versatility like no other is unmatched when discussing the subject of music overall Ms. Lyra Vega had this to say:

“Music is a great release to me. It occurs almost in everything that we do. From the wind….to our heartbeats….to the oceans….and they play music to help save. Oh what an incredible, awesome notion, making music is!”

 In her pursuit for greatness she has been in touch with a few record labels but hasn’t signed with any yet. She’s expressed great interest though in Swaggertown Records, an independent label based out of New York with whom she has expressed a desire to sign one day if the offer was ever extended her way. We along with Ms. Lyra Vega herself will just have to wait and see how it all pans out.

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