Meet Up-and-Coming Alternative Hip-Hop artist Kidd Ki

Boasting a direct and rhythmic style, Kidd Ki is able to reach a wide variety of listeners with his music.

Meet Up-and-Coming Alternative Hip-Hop artist Kidd Ki

Kidd Ki is an up-and-coming alternative hip-hop artist who is already been making a mark in the industry and has been grinding every day as well as mixing and mastering his music to perfect his work as a musician. Ki’s most noteworthy single release, Our City, released on November 27th of last year. He released Our City on Spotify and it got substantial recognition, over 80k streams on Spotify. The tumultuous and hostile environment that Kidd Ki grew up in has shaped his music in what it is today.

Having many struggles through his childhood only motivated him more to push himself and others to be the best version of themselves they could be. Looking to inspire others with his music, Kidd Ki does a great job incorporating these life experiences into his lyrics. Each song Kidd Ki puts out has a real message behind it, as well as a story. This is a skill that many new school artists lack, but one that has separated Kidd Ki from his competition.

Always being around music as a kid really drew a path for his future career as an artist. Kidd Ki started taking music seriously as soon as he got the opportunity and always is putting 100% effort into whatever he is doing. The sound and delivery of his music entices his followers but doesn’t focus on any certain audience he makes music for all ages his articulate tone and rhythm are unique and make Ki stand out in the industry with his versatile sound. When he first started as a musician, he looked up to older artists to receive inspiration from and model his music after.

However, he follows current mainstream artists as well to become more well-rounded and versatile. The single commences to gain recognition a month after its release and Kidd Ki released the music video on YouTube in March. He hopes that his fans can put a name to the face with this video and remember Kidd Ki as time moves along. Boasting a direct and rhythmic style, Kidd Ki is able to reach a wide variety of listeners with his music. His versatility is also seen on this record, going from alternative to pop to hip-hop.

Kidd Ki’s largest performance to date was a sold-out show for recording artist Jay Gwaupo of RCA, a BK rapper. He plans to perform as much as he can to build exposure and get out their more socially to expand his monument as a musician as well as connecting and engaging with others He is still grinding day in and day out to perfect his craft, He is currently working with Untitledexport Management to help assist Kidd Ki with the services they give their artist as well with much more as of now, he intends to promote his music through every platform and method possible to get his music out there.

He is focused on developing himself as an artist as well as networking within the industry. His audience should expect more songs and music videos to be released in the coming months. Make sure to stay tune and following Kidd Ki throughout his journey on Instagram. He will be posting snippets and engaging with his fans to help pick which music he should drop next. For now you can keep streaming Kidd Ki’s music as it is out on all major streaming platforms!

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