Meet Matt Meyers: A Top Expert for the Salesforce Ecosystem Making His Mark

Meet Matt Meyers: A Top Expert for the Salesforce Ecosystem Making His Mark

Matt Meyers has been working in technology for over 23 years and is among the top experts within the Salesforce ecosystem. He has worked in the ecosystem for over 15 years and holds the highest certification of Certified Technical Architect. Matt is also an entrepreneur and the CEO and co-founder of Adaptus, the maker of EzProtect, a Software-as-a-Service virus scanning cybersecurity platform for Salesforce. Matt has always been very passionate about Salesforce and helping others—he recently started an Instagram channel to help those on their journey grow their careers and get the respect they deserve. Matt is a first-time parent to an eight-month-old infant, and although he is happy about this new journey, balancing parenthood and business has been challenging.

Matt could not hide his joy listing down his successes. He earned the Salesforce Certified Technical Architect certification before they had programs to help people pass. Matt shares how he managed to build a very successful career, starting with almost no financial resources, from making only $30K out of college to $400K working as an independent consultant. Matt has built a successful and growing SaaS start-up business from the ground up through great resilience, determination, and focus, which earned him both his MBA and computer science degree. Matt self-learned and excelled up the corporate ladder to eventually become financially and personally independent, despite the many challenges he faced.

Matt had a rocky journey, and the biggest challenge was losing his sister to cancer. He is quoted as saying, “I thought my life was over as we were very close. It was at a pivotal time in my career, but I knew she would not want me to give up, so I pushed through it because I knew she would want me to succeed.” Matt hails from a middle-class family that was not wealthy, so he had to earn everything on his own. He worked in high school to buy food and paid his own college tuition fees.

Before his current business, Matt had tried getting several companies off the ground, but they failed due to financial constraints and a lack of mentorship. At the start of the Certified Technical Architect certification, there were very few resources to help you prepare for the certificate, and Matt had to teach himself and find allies who he could learn from. Matt failed the first time but never gave up. He eventually earn this certification after two years, and it is one of the most significant achievements he is proud of in his entire career as it made him realize he could do almost anything.

Matt emphasizes that for you to succeed in a particular niche, you should seek help from others who have been there and done it before you, as you will save yourself years. He envisions himself with a thriving community of future Salesforce architects who he will help guide on their journeys to success three years from now. Matt will create another successful business within that community, generating passive income for himself and his family. Matt also wants to push Adaptus and its product EzProtect to grow to a point where he can sit back and watch the company from afar as others take on the key roles that he currently performs so that he can spend more time with his family.

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