Meet Dutch Artist And Producer Zuhbastian

This is Sebastian Janssen Also Known As Zuhbastian.

Meet Dutch Artist And Producer Zuhbastian

Emerging dutch man Sebastian Janssen better known under his artist name: Zuhbastian knows his purpose is to produce and create innovative music. His extensive loyalty to the craft has enabled him to develop his own distinctive style and contribute something surprising within the music scene. He blends masterfully created beats with captivating undertones. In the producers most recent EP-release called “Genesis”, the producer shows his unique talent yet again.

Zuhbastian is evolving his producer skills all the time into his signature style of creating melodious sounds that encourage listeners to truly experience his hard work. But what really sets him apart from the others in the scene is his unrelenting work ethic and dedication to the passion he has, knowing that success is not guaranteed. Continuing to keep his vision and goals on the top list, the young producer doesn’t lack any ambition. He definitely knows that his work will be rewarded in the near future.

The music can be described as authentic and one-of-a-kind in the best way possible, providing a neat experience for the listeners all around the world. The feelings he’s experienced from day one have helped him become more mature and understand how to express different emotions through his melodic music. Pure passion is what sets him apart, every track can be felt to the core. His most recent release is a perfect example of that.

His future is bright and Zuhbastian appears as an artist that is equipped with all the tools and skills to truly merge his passion into beautiful work. A combination of the uncommon way of producing and delivering the tunes that people enjoy is what drives him the most.

Follow him on spotify and instagram:

Instagram here

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