LTR Releases Crazy Project: “DRUGS”

LTR Releases Crazy Project: “DRUGS”

Introducing LTR, the versatile hip-hop artist with a heart of gold. Born on November 4th, 2000, in a small town in Indiana, LTR moved to Houston, TX, at the age of 13, where he resides today. Despite being in the music industry for 12 years, LTR remains humble and grounded, prioritizing the message in his music over fame and fortune.

With a purpose to reach the younger audience who doesn’t want to be involved in street life, LTR wants to save lives instead of glorifying violence. His music is versatile, experimenting with rock, EDM, pop/funk, alternative, and soon, a full Spanish album, and possibly some country. However, it’s his wordplay that stands out the most, with punchlines throughout his discography that leave a lasting impression on listeners.

Despite his success so far, LTR isn’t satisfied with the current state of the music industry, which he sees as diluted, repetitive, and bad for the youth. He’s waiting for someone to change it up, and with his unique sound and message, he may just be that someone.

When it comes to his milestones, LTR highlights his appearance on Sway in the Morning in 2016, where they played his song “Get It” regularly. He also opened for Dave East at Warehouse Live and opened a few shows for Peso Peso in 2019. His collaborations with well-known Texas artists like Bo Bundy, Baby Yungin, FMB Longmoney, and Peso Peso are also significant milestones.

Looking ahead, LTR sees himself staying independent with a strong fan base, whether he becomes a mainstream artist or not. He wants to continue expressing himself through music and giving people someone to relate to in hip hop that isn’t glorifying violence.

For aspiring artists, LTR advises to be themselves and make a unique sound, instead of trying to fit in with the saturated music scene. And when it comes to recording, LTR likes to freestyle first to get the melodies and then mix in written lyrics. As for dream collaborations, LTR would love to work with Eminem, Kevin Gates, and Kendrick Lamar. But his ultimate dream is to collaborate with Kanye West and put on a crazy live performance with a choir and symphony.

Whether LTR blows up or not, he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon, promising to keep releasing music that touches hearts and spreads positivity.

Stream “DRUGS” now:

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