K.I The Don Climbing the Music Ladder

K.I. The Don from South Central Los Angeles is looking to make a move

K.I The Don Climbing the Music Ladder

K.I The Don hails from South Central Los Angeles, which means it’s no surprise he’s making a name for himself in the music industry rather quickly. Every morning he wakes up and immediately picks up his notes from the day prior, going right back to where he left off the before he went to bed the night before. When he’s focused on business moves on any day, he always wants to sit down with his current or potential business partners to discuss the schedule and direction of moves being made. The Don is a very organized and structured artist.

The Don has arisen to relative stardom, but not without taking some Ls on his way up. He dropped out of school at an early age after going through some hardships with his family. But those hardships made him a stronger and more motivated person, as well as a more disciplined person, because if he wasn’t disciplined while he was running around the streets of Compton, he may have had his life head in another direction.

After overcoming tough times in his early teenage years, The Don met fellow artist Devey 2g through some of his family, leading to long-time collaboration between the two. This relationship then allowed him to grow his music career, creating multiple mixtapes and gaining a better understanding for the art of rap music and culture of the rap industry. You can check out his sound on his Spotify and his movements through his Instagram. Best not be late, because The Don is on the come up.


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