Justin Kaufmann The King Of Social Media Marketing

Justin Kaufmann The King Of Social Media Marketing

Justin Kaufmann, born and raised in New York, NY is an American entrepreneur, business man, and Ironman athlete. Justin is the CEO and founder of Imperial Networking, a marketing agency created 5 years ago with the goal to grow, market and sign artists. Growing from a small team of two, to now 6 years later his agency has worked with over 5,000 musicians and currently employees over 7 talented individuals.

Growing up as the only child, my inspiration was seeing my parents struggle daily, not only financially but also with other areas of their life. I saw others helping communities, being successful and knew I was talented enough to follow their path. “Sometimes it’s not doing whatever you want, it’s about doing whatever it takes to show up, conquer your goals and change the world” a quote he lives by that has helped him build a 7 figure agency while showing others within his company how to successfully succeed in the marketing industry and guides them with tools, seminars and free courses that lays a blueprint on how to make your first 6 figures online.

My goal is to motivate and teach people about the music industry, some artists think people like Bobby schmurda blow up over night. They don’t see the money they spent on studio time, marketing and hiring people to have their music played. 5/10 years from now I’d like to have to have helped 20,000 musicians have their talent seen along with having 100 people have the opportunity to join imperial and make a living within the marketing industry.

Follow him here: Instagram

Check out his company here: https://imperialnetworking.com/

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