JOSHDIFFERENT, Professional Athlete And Musician Would Be A Great Match For Andre Tate

JOSHDIFFERENT, Professional Athlete And Musician Would Be A Great Match For Andre Tate

JOSHDIFFERENT, a YouTuber from Philadelphia currently residing in Las Vegas Nevada is a 26 year old 5 foot 10 muscular fighting machine. Although he is known for his music joshdifferent far from shy from putting the gloves on. Joshua Blackwell not only goes by Joshdifferent but JAB has been his nickname since he was young. Not only because he had hands, but it is also his actual initials, JAB(Joshua Aric Blackwell).

Joshdifferent as far in mini tournaments In his hometown Philadelphia although considering he was taking his music more serious, he put his fighting career on the back burner. After leaving his hometown traveling to Las Vegas he linked up with UFC fighter Ty “savage” Gwerder after connecting with him through social media.

Joshdifferent has made mini videos and jokes about fighting Andrew Tate as well as Jake Paul or Logan Paul. Joshdifferent has spoke about Andrew Tate and how he agrees “with a lot of what Andrew says although I have own opinion, so A good 10% of what he says I don’t agree with, but that’s fine we are all different human beings” Joshdifferent has spoke on being able to beat Andrew Tate, when asked on live stream.

All in all, Andrew Tate seems to have retired from fighting and has focused on his charismatic social media profile. Joshua Aric Blackwell Will continue training in Las Vegas with his mentors and making music under Joshdifferent for those who stream his music.

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