J. Cole Pauses Set To Give Powerful Speech About Perseverance

J. Cole

J. Cole: No Such Thing As Overnight Success

With the KOD tour in full swing, footage has surfaced of J. Cole’s recent Montreal concert, which went down on October 5th. Clearly, something was in the air that night, as Cole took five minutes to address the crowd with a genuinely motivational speech. Montreality has provided footage, which finds Cole in fine oratorial form.

“That thing that you looking at, that looks like an overnight success, that’s not real,” explains Cole. “It’s going to go away real fuc*in fast, cause it ain’t got no foundation to stand on. Like some one-hit wonder sh*t. Here today gone tomorrow.

It’s not real, even with this music sh*t. You don’t just put out one song, and next thing you know, you’re coming to Montreal to fill up a fucking arena! No, this don’t happen like that man.” He continues, to rousing applause from his supporters. “It was a point in time where the only thing I had out was The Warm Up and Friday Night Lights,” says Cole. “Two classics.

At that time, there wasn’t no fucking arenas. We was doing clubs, just trying to fill up clubs.” He proceeds to stress the importance of manifestation. “Some days you get a little down, a little discouraged,” says Cole. “I’ma tell you like this. Do not fuckin’ stop, whatever you do, don’t stop, don’t give up. You’ll regret that sh*t forever.”

Around the halfway mark, he channels his inner Clay Davis, letting out a respectable “shiiiiiieeeeeeet.” “If you go directly from 0 to 100,” he explains. “You’re robbing yourself of the journey, that’s where all the magical sh*t happens, it’s in the journey, it’s not the destination.” It’s unclear whether or not Cole’s inspirational speeches have become a KOD tour staple, or if there was something particularly magical popping off in Montreal that night. Either way, Cole continues to prove himself as the rap game’s unsung hero that we don’t always deserve.

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