Is THEAMBERSMOKE’s Creativity Style The Greatest Thing American Artists Should Borrow?

Is THEAMBERSMOKE’s Creativity Style The Greatest Thing American Artists Should Borrow?

Is THEAMBERSMOKE’s Creativity Style The Greatest Thing American Artists Should Borrow?

THEAMBERSMOKE is a very creative music artist and actress who uses her skills to impact the lives of her fans positively. She’s creatively transformed her music skills to be an effective channel for addressing current social issues. She blends genres of hip hop, pop, and r&b. Specializing in these genres ensures each release carries a transformative message. This tactic has enabled her to maintain many fans, with her artistic work remaining relevant over time.

Becoming an icon in the American music industry is an uphill task. But what have been the secrets behind THEAMBERSMOKE disrupting the music space? And what can you learn as you develop your career?


The music industry is supersaturated. Your content should be creatively developed and tailored to address your fans’ issues to be ahead of your competitors. Amber aligns herself with successful producers for mentorship as well as studies the greats. Drake, Tupac, Aaliyah, Missy Elliot, Beyonce, and Lauryn Hill have helped shape THEAMBERSMOKE’s sound and success.

THEAMBERSMOKE has her footprints in videography. She shoots her own photos and videos – and shares it with her fans. To ensure that her video quality is high, she co-directs her videos to ensure that her audience enjoys the highest achievable quality work.

THEAMBERSMOKE will be releasing her latest hottest album titled Pink Smoke with a fire music video Money Orders. The album will showcase her rapping prowess; something you can’t miss watching.

For more information, connect with THEAMBERSMOKE on Twitter:

Youtube @
Spotify @

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