In A Great Space Right Now

In A Great Space Right Now

For most Indie artists getting to a place where you feel satisfied or even content at your current status as well as the space you in could be a lifelong chase. You can make the best songs but just can’t get the right person or attract enough people to lift not only the record but your career to new heights and many times it causes many to go back to their day job sort of speak.

All those things don’t apply to Raleigh MC Shame Gang. I mean don’t get me wrong he has had the same struggles as many artists just like him. But unlike those artists he’s been parts of multiple national tours, regular paid shows and appearances  and is slowly becoming a household name among those in the know.

His current full length called “Better Late than Never” is not only a great project but also him telling the world no matter how long it took, Shame Gang is here and it only gets better going forward. Currently engaged in a nationwide marketing and promotional campaign for the project he’s been coast to coast speaking on this future classic to indie and major outlets alike. Follow Shame Gang on IG @iamshamegang and stream his current project on Spotify!


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