How Artist Iamflytrap Is Taking Over The Music Industry

How Artist Iamflytrap Is Taking Over The Music Industry

What originally started out as a part-time hobby is quickly turning into a full-time passion project. Iamflytrap is making waves throughout the scene and resonating with fans after releasing his debut tracks as a recording artist.

Though he never had dreams of becoming a musician, he has been deeply involved with the industry for some time now, and always had a deep love and respect for musicians and how they could make him connect to the songs and their lyrics.

Now on the other side of the mic, Iamflytrap is excited to evoke similar feelings in his fans with his music and wants to keep putting in time in the studio to perfect his craft. His fans are excited about this new endeavor and have stood by him through many other ventures that have brought him loads of success.

He knows the road to the top is never easy, but he’s more than willing to put in the time and take this to the next level. Making it as an independent artist comes with its own challenges, and he’s excited to keep progressing in all aspects of his life.

To hear more from Iamflytrap and stay up-to-date with his latest projects, you can check him out at the following links:

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