Getting to know the upcoming Artist Jessica Jimenez

Getting to know the upcoming Artist Jessica Jimenez

Jessica Jimenez is a R&B singer from the beautiful city Denver,Co

Why do you love music?

I love music for how it makes me feel.I love writing and creating music, because I’m able to express myself.Music is my way of dealing with my emotions it allows me to make connections with others and understand myself and my life journey .Its my open diary allowing me to moves others by my lyrics and melodies.

What makes you different as a musical artist?

For me I would say it’s me being an empathetic person.

I have always been someone who has been known to be too kind and understanding, by being that I think I’m able to connect on a deeper level with one’s emotions.To me it’s the best thing because,with those connections I’m able to incorporate that into my music.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years I will have 2 albums out and I’ll be going on tour.

What do you wanna accomplish in life?

I wanna feel accomplished and fulfilled by doing what makes me happy.That is moving others and creating an impactful change.

What do you wanna be remembered by?

My kindness and compassion.

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