Getting to Know Rising Baltimore Music artist Davon Rice

Getting to Know Rising Baltimore Music artist Davon Rice

Why do you love music?

I love music because music is everything. Music has the power to uplift, inspire and encourage. Music heals and it sets people free!

What makes you different as a music artist?

First, I’m 6’5 and I have a unique voice. I’d like to think that I’m in a lane of my own when it comes to music. My sound is my sound and I love it.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself at the Grammy’s receiving an award or two. I also see myself starting a record label in honor of my grandmother.

What do you want to accomplish in life?

There are so many things I’d like to accomplish. I’m currently working on my doctorate in urban educational leadership. I want to open community centers for the homeless and give back to the less fortunate. I see my name in headlights and on billboards.

What do you bring to the music world?

I feel that I bring hope, joy and creativity. I always think outside the box and I never let anyone/anything box me in. I feel that the industry boxes people in and I’m fine with being myself!

What do you want to be remembered by?

I want to be remembered by my personality, my style, my character, my integrity and for just being me.

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