Fresh Micks is a Musical Genius

Fresh Micks is really show casing his talents

Fresh Micks is a Musical Genius

Michael Calvillo, most known by his stage name Fresh Micks, has been marking his stamp on the music industry in a big way. Growing up in King City, CA, Fresh Micks constantly turned to music to escape the harsh reality going on around him. At the age of 9, Fresh Micks started playing the violin to express the creativity that laid   dormant within. This was the spark that lit the flame for fresh micks, since then, he has learned how to play the piano, guitar, bass, and clarinet. Fresh Micks describes his music as melodic, soulful, and authentic.

Fresh Micks is currently an independent artist who writes and produces his own music. The main inspiration for his lyrics come from his life experiences thus far and the trials and tribulations he has endured. Fresh Micks intends for his fans to feel “That it’s okay to be expressive and vulnerable and still be cool. I hope they relate to not only my personal struggles and situations emotionally but also can see I enjoy what I do, and I enjoy releasing it.” Fresh Micks does an incredible job at searching deep for the true meaning behind life circumstances and beautifully relaying the message on the track for his fans to connect to.

On December 3rd, Fresh Micks dropped his latest R&B EP “Disaster 2” containing 7 tracks. He has already released a music video for his hit song “Case” which was featured on “Disaster 2”. Fresh Micks plans on gradually releasing visuals to his latest project and intends on releasing the second music video very soon. This is an extremely exciting time for Fresh Micks as he looks to crush the next endeavor in his lustrous career. Make sure to follow Fresh Micks and keep up with his journey as he continues to grow as a person and artist.

Follow Fresh Mick on:

Instagram: @freshmicks

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