Exclusive Interview with Lolaaababy

Exclusive Interview with Lolaaababy

What 3 things does anyone starting in your industry need to know?

I’ll be honest I’m still learning to stay consistent & use every situation as a learning opportunity, I go off vibes I don’t force what I’m not feeling but I do keep going when it gets challenging cause at that moment I’ll probably discover the unknown

What would you do differently if you were starting in your industry now?

I’m learning to stay alert & not to put too much on myself I’m passionate about my work it’s art what I’m learning is not to get a big head like I don’t have room to grow knowledge is power & I want to always soak in-game meaning I’m very laid back but I feel like if I would’ve started earlier when I wrote my first song I would’ve been ahead but I procrastinated

Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why?

I’ll say Nicki she’s bold and outspoken she always does her own thing & for a while, she fought for her spot I love that because it taught me to never settle. I know it might be challenging but that’s what makes me hungry for it I look at a lot of interviews of the artist I listen to you get a different vibe it gives you a better understanding of an artist

What would you say is the #1 key to success in your music career?

Consistency because you don’t have to be perfect as long you stay at it & stay teachable it’s always room to grow

Talk about the biggest failure you’ve had. What did you learn from it?

My biggest failure was not having a backup plan for my first show meaning not bringing a plan b if my shoe broke I took it as a learning lesson because as I look back at my performance the energy was there I just didn’t pick my feet up as much as I should’ve.

What has been your biggest success story?

My biggest success story would be believing I could be who I wanna be without anyone’s validation I’ve always been different so why not stand out completely I’ve gotten my first video done by myself I felt as if I needed more people with me to make my video all that but it’s all about me the crowd will come & go but it’s all about being independent I think it was successful because I gave it all I gotta & was very unapologetically myself.

What keeps you going when things get tough in the music industry?

How bad I want to change my current situation I don’t see myself working for anyone I’ve always been a boss not saying I can’t learn from anyone but I’m not a yes man I want to come & go as I please I’m all about bettering myself so certain situations I just sit back on & do my homework meaning looking at the pros & cons of how it would benefit my growth on where I want to go

What made you pursue being an artist full-time?

Being hungry for my own everything I grew up struggling all my life & I want to one day give my family everything they could dream of

Would you sign to a label?

I’m not sure yet I’ll have to make sure it’s not a jacked up deal I’ve seen a lot of artists get black balked after a while I want to have a bond with my label I’m always willing to work hard but I want to make sure we all eat as we suppose to fairly

What projects are you working on for the rest of 2022?

I’m currently waiting to get my first video back so I can drop & im halfway done with my first Ep I will be dropping 6 more songs as a bonus Ep & I have another show in Dallas pretty soon my main focus is just staying on top of dropping & building up the brand I want to put out

Stay connected with Lolaaababy on Instagram and SoundCloud


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