Exclusive Interview: Stickio

Stickio Drops New Single "She Know"

Exclusive Interview: Stickio

What is your name and what city do you rep?

My Name Is Stickio and i’m repping Asbury Park, New Jersey

Tell us about your latest releases, what inspired you to create them?

Some of my Latest releases are Tragedy, She know & Lifted/ Far away. Tragedy was inspired by a past personal situation in which i experienced betrayal from my own people. She know was more of a fun and catchy track about intimate experiences & last but not least Lifted/ Far away was inspired by me just wanting to get away from things.

What is unique about you and your music?

What is unique about me i would say is my realism, mÿ strength and ability to get through anything thrown my way and come out on top and still have fun along the way, as far as my music i feel like I come with a fresh sound and vibe and i’m coming from different angles so that i attract people of all kinds and i’m not just making music for a specific crowd.

What shaped your music?

After 28 years of life, i have to say that everything that i have been through in life, good or bad is what has shaped my music.

When did you realize you were going to make music professionally?

Early this year around about January is when i realized that i wanted to actually take music serious. Before i was just making music for myself and the people around me that supported and liked what i was making and how it sounded. After i realized that i was going to start making music professionally, i just sort of locked in and now i keep myself focused on being consistent with it and trying to unlock more of who i am as an artist as i move forward.

What type of music do you listen to?

I listen to all genres of music, i don’t have a specific genre that i would prefer over the other! I’ve always had a love for good music. If i hear a track and the vibe is there, the lyrics are relatable or real than i listen.

What inspires you to write music?

For the most part i would say that my daughters, my family and all of my supporters are what inspire me to write music. Also the way that i feel after i make a good track and i just listen to it and feel like wow, this is really something that i created is just a great feeling!

What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about?

When i’m not doing music, im chilling with my family or playing my games. Family is something that i’m really big on and passionate about and being an active father.

Happiness to you is…

Happiness to me i would say is Peace! Like with overall peace and a clear mind comes great things.

What do you wish you were told when you first started making music that you think would help artists just starting out?

If this is something that you really want to persue, be consistent and stay consistent! If you ever feel like you’re not getting real support from your own people don’t sweat it because strangers will be your biggest supporters, invest in yourself and don’t trust everyone but always trust yourself.

Tell us about your upcoming projects…

I have an EP that i’ve been working on that will be out soon, just a little something to get everyone ready for my album!

Where do we find you music / music projects?

You can find me on all streaming platforms by searching my name Stickio !

Any last words for the readers?

Stay safe, work hard, follow your dreams! And don’t ever let anyone or anything come in between you and where you want to be in life! For anyone supporting me Thank you!


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