Exclusive Interview: Rising Artist Unbotherd

Unbotherd Drops New EP "Rage 2 Deluxe"

Exclusive Interview: Rising Artist Unbotherd

What is your name and what city do you rep?

My name is Jacquez McDonald, I’m repping Houston for life but my second home Navasota will always be apart of me.

Tell us about your latest releases, what inspired you to create them?

What’s unique about my music is the way I can be acrobatic with my vocals on different songs and set the mood whether it’s me rapping or vocalizing, The energy I put into my songs in my opinion is very rare to see,hear,and feel.

What is unique about you and your music?

My latest release Rage 2 deluxe closed the chapter for me, I was inspired by the rage and pain I overcame since dropping out of college and getting back on my feet. Most of all I felt happy the whole process making this album just knowing how much I pushed myself to get here, and I still have the best supporters by my side.

What shaped your music?

Travis scott helped shaped my music big time and helped me find my style,I’m a rockstar deep down,I love performing live and going crazy that’s where the rage and energy comes from knowing ima perform these songs too just makes me go harder in the studio.

When did you realize you were going to make music professionally?

I realized I was going to make music professionally, when I made my decision last year to dropout of college and put all my time and energy into music, that’s when I knew I was born to do this,I always trust my gut and god.

What type of music do you listen to?

To be honest with you, my music taste is everywhere,rap,rock,heavy metal, and of course myself, I love studying my old music to see what I could do better vocally and energy wise.

What inspires you to write music?

I feel inspired to write based on how I’m feeling at a certain moment it be weird random times but I always write down whatever pops up in my head, if I’m not feeling inspired I listen to Travis Scott or Gunna, both artist inspire me to be great at what I do.

What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about?

My only passion and talent is making music, but I love taking mental health breaks when I’m not making music, I may sound like a workaholic but I’m just never satisfied or too comfortable, there’s a lot I have planned for the future doing something else with passion would ruin my chances I’m here always.

Happiness to you is…

Happiness is the love you have for yourself, loving yourself can make you feel comfortable in your skin I learned that having anxiety and insecurities it’s all about accepting yourself.

What do you wish you were told when you first started making music that you think would help artists just starting out?

I wish I was told nothing at all, everything I’ve been through since I started made me, I don’t know where I would be without those hectic times, having to really lock in with myself made me more independent. To other artist I feel they don’t get told the amount of energy and money they need to actually put into music promotion it’s no joke.

Tell us about your upcoming projects…

I’m still thinking about my next project at the moment, Been brainstorming on that lately, but also enjoying my latest albums, I have a music video coming soon, which I’m very hyped for it went amazing. My future projects will be longer I can tell you that and more visuals I wanna make a movie my next album.

Where do we find you music / music projects?

You can find my music on every social media platform and Music platform under “Unbotherd”.

Any last words for the readers?

Last words I would like to say is, thank you to everyone who comes across this interview and left feeling inspired, most of all thank you Trillestent for believing in me enough to do this interview, perfect timing it means a lot.




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