Exclusive Interview: Rising Artist Pretti Emage

Pretti Emage Drops 2 New Hit Singles "I Can't Love You" & "Young And Reckless"

Exclusive Interview: Rising Artist Pretti Emage

What 3 things does anyone starting in your industry need to know?

– Networking and Building Relationships: The music industry is heavily reliant on connections. Building genuine relationships with other artists, producers, managers, and industry professionals can open doors and create opportunities. Attend industry events, engage on social media, and collaborate with others to expand your network.

– Marketing and Branding: It’s crucial to understand how to market yourself effectively. Develop a unique brand that resonates with your target audience. Utilize social media, create engaging content, and maintain a consistent presence online. Investing in professional photos, music videos, and a user-friendly website can also help establish your brand.

– Understanding the Business Side: Knowledge of the business aspects of the music industry is essential. This includes understanding contracts, royalties, copyright laws, and distribution channels. Educate yourself on how to manage your finances, negotiate deals, and protect your intellectual property to ensure long-term success and sustainability in your career.

What would you do differently if you were starting in your industry now?

I would prioritize building a strong online presence, utilize data analytics to understand my audience, and focus on direct-to-fan engagement to create a loyal community.

Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why?

While specific influences on my career are not publicly documented, industry-standard influences include mentors from collaborations, and books like “All You Need to Know About the Music Business” by Donald S. Passman and “How To Make It in the New Music Business” by Ari Herstand for industry knowledge. These sources offer essential guidance on navigating the music industry, building a brand, and engaging with fans.

What has been your biggest success story? Why do you think it was a success?

My biggest success story so far is winning “Outstanding Female Artist of the Year” at Yo ATL Music Awards 2024. The reason it was a success is because not too many Independent Artists receive these awards, and for me to have been chosen by a unanimous vote proved that hard work and dedication is a major key.

What keeps you going when things get tough in the music industry?

Passion for music, a supportive network, and a focus on long-term goals keep me going when things get tough in the music industry.

What made you pursue being an artist full time?

The opportunity to pursue my passion and love for music while sharing my creativity with others drove me to become a full-time music artist.

Would you sign to a label?

I’m actually signed to an independent music label right now that’s been the financial force behind my career since I started back in 2016. Shout out to Risky Bizness Entertainment! But as far as a major label goes, I’m sure if the opportunity ever presents itself and it makes sense and the contract is good, then it could very well be a possibility.

What projects are you working on for the rest of 2024?

Recently, I released two new singles on 5/31/24, one on the R&B side entitled “I Can’t Love You” and the other one a hip hop/rap summer track entitled “Young And Reckless”. Both songs will be featured on my upcoming album due out later this year entitled “Good Girl, Bad Girl.”

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