Exclusive Interview: Rising Artist Mou5ZyZZ

Mou5ZyZZ Releases New Hit Single "Love Of My Life"

Exclusive Interview: Rising Artist Mou5ZyZZ

What is your name and what city do you rep?

Andrew Niman – Albuquerque New Mexico

Tell us about your latest releases, what inspired you to create them?

I create my music with all my feelings and emotions. I’m a “Big Lover” so I make alot of my sounds because of my passion for Love. “Mou5ZyZZ– Love Of My Life” is my lastest release. It’s about my belief and idea of me loving just “ONE” till the end.

What is unique about you and your music?

I’ve been producing “Electronic Music” since “2004”. I started Ghost Producing music for others in “2006”. All my music is custom made and one of a kind. I have ADHD so I like to create unique one of a kind sounds for this world. I create based on my feelings and emotions.

What shaped your music?

My past relationships have definitely shaped my music Big Time. All the ups and down definitely make an impact on my sounds. Plus all the struggles and good times in my life have shaped my music’s sound.

When did you realize you were going to make music professionally?

As a producer starting out I new once I sold my first sound, I was going to make music professionally for life. I believe you either have the gift or you don’t and thats ok if you don’t. Thats why ghost producers such as myself exist.

What type of music do you listen to?

I listen to everything. If a song has a sound that my ears, brain and body like, then I’ll listen to it. My acceptance of so many sounds is what allows me to create all my ideas into my own sounds.

What inspires you to write music?

I get inspired knowing that any moment could be my last here on earth. I figure I’m racing the clock and the more creations I put out into the world. The more people I can connect with on a Human level.

What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about?

I love fishing, especially Fly fishing. I love the outdoors honestly. I’ll take my 74 year father with me and go on little adventures when we have time. I’ve been a caregiver for my father for the past “11 years” straight. He was in a nursing home before I brought him home. Taking care of my dad takes most of my time currently, but I make it work. Its all about a balance which in turn helps me get so much music created.

Happiness to you is…

Happiness to me is having one Woman to love me. She always by my side through sickness and in health. I believe if I have a woman that truly Loves me and not for what I have is Happiness. I believe me being with the right woman, could make me the Happiest man alive.

What do you wish you were told when you first started making music that you think would help artists just starting out?

You need to make good music that people will want to listen to over and over again. You should want people to be honest with you and how they honestly feel about your music. Its hard to be criticized by others, but if you aren’t you will never shoot for the stars and get better. Another thing I recommend is not signing to any label, unless they are going to actually get your music in front of the masses. If you can afford to promote each song you release yourself, you should do it. I believe many people could afford a small promotion for each song they release. I self promote all my music on my label with my own money. Instead of going out to eat, partying, ect, I use my extra money to promote the music I create.

Tell us about your upcoming projects…

Gosh I could go on forever about this topic and all the projects I have coming out. Honestly I have so many projects coming out this year and next year 2024. All I’m gonna say about this, is to be prepared for about two to three new releases every month.

Where do we find you music / music projects?

I’m on over “Four Hundred” platforms worldwide – SPOTIFY, YOUTUBE, APPLE MUSIC, ITUNES, BEATPORT, TIDAL, ECT. ECT.

Any last words for the readers?

I really appreciate even if only “One Listener” in the whole world listens to my music. I honestly create music for you all to enjoy. When I create my sounds for this world, its therapy for my own adventures and healing. I hope my creations will bring Happiness and Joy to you all.

Much Love From a World Away…

Mou5ZyZZ & Mou5EmO

Aka: Andrew Niman

Mou5 Chee5e Records

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