Exclusive Interview: Jahfeeil

Jahfeeil Drops New Single "Honey Cotton Candy"

Exclusive Interview: Jahfeeil

What is your name and what city do you rep?

I’m Jahfeeil and I mos def rep the 713 HOWN HOUSTON TEXAS…

Tell us about your latest releases, what inspired you to create them?

The crazy thing about me, I mostly write songs about love, sex, women, women and women, my last release Honey Cotton Candy, now I’m getting ready to put out my new single, titled Just a Friend, both songs are kind of similar, far as the messages I enjoy writing about loving a woman in every way possible.

What is unique about you and your music?

Well I fell I’m unique because I don’t consider myself just R&B I mean I’ve recorded Reggae joints , I love me some Metal Music . You just can’t put me in a box. I’m a all Type of music lover.

What shaped your music?

My Father and Mother sides of my family are very musical incline and growing up around music I guess it was in my DNA…. .

When did you realize you were going to make music professionally?

Doing talent shows in Elementary and Jr High school I just knew what I wanted to pursue. It was nothing else that I wanted more.

What type of music do you listen to?

Like I said before, I listen to all genres of music. I mean, music is what I love doing, I mean, I love hip hop reggae soul, rock’n’roll you name it, I just love musical let’s do all of it classical jazz folk.

What inspires you to write music?

What inspires me to write music? Well, I get my inspiration to write music from past relationships, from past moments in my life memories, you know, just good things, I mean, music, when I write music, it just take me and put me in a place where I’m the only one there, you know makes me feel good.

What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about?

Well, when I’m not performing or writing music, the other passion I have it’s mostly just kicking back with the family and friends watching football, you know, watching my Houston Astros shit like that.

Happiness to you is…

Well, you know, what makes me happy, Is that everyone around me is happy as well, if you’re a person with good attitude, good conversation, good times, always good vibes, then I that makes me happy I love the Ocean it brings me peace as well, you feel me.

What do you wish you were told when you first started making music that you think would help artists just starting out?

When I was a youngster, starting out in music, I thought I had to be like or sound like someone else, but the number one thing is to just believe in yourself and be yourself, because can’t nobody beat you doing what you do, can’t nobody beat you doing you , because you are original, because it’s you know can’t nobody be you but you.

Tell us about your upcoming projects…

Yes, my next project, I have a new single coming out titled Just a Friend. I mean, it’s a real banging R&B joint I can’t wait for you guys to hear it it’s coming out dropping real soon, so be on the lookout for that just a friend, with my band free soul society.

Where do we find you music / music projects?

Yep, you can find my music on all streaming platforms, I mean, every last one of them lol so check it out, man and I hope you enjoy everything also my website

Any last words for the readers?

Yes, just always stay positive man, keep your head up, stop the violence and just have fun, enjoy all this little time we have here on this earth peace.

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