Exclusive Interview: El 9ino

El 9ino Drops New EP "Stay Home Dad"

El 9ino Releases New EP "Stay Home Dad"

1.) How would you describe your music?

My observations, self reflections, and expression of life as I see it at that particular moment in time. With obvious influences from my unconventional upbringing.

2.) Tell us about your latest releases

It’s called the Stay Home Dad LoFi Mixtape because most, if not all, of it was made on my phone using a standard work headset. More over, all of the lyrics are freestyles with no edits, just doubles etc (except for back to the money) The idea was always to do as much as I could with as little as possible. Hence the theme being LoFi.

3.) Describe your creative process

Usually begins with me being either extremely frustrated or exceptionally happy. Either way it starts with one phrase or beat, and I just keep writing without being too critical. Eventually, I’ll try to match it the beat, twist some words, etc. Usually around this time, I think it’s Mediocre, and I want to erase all of it. There is this moment though right at the cusp, where one part of the lyrics will fit so perfectly within the beat, and that’ll force me to keep finding pockets throughout the song.

4.) What do you enjoy most about being an artist?

The relief of taking very heavy, sometimes dark energy, out of my head and heart and into a smooth poem.

5.) What is your main inspiration?

Honestly, to feel better. There is something to be said about taking things out of your head and putting them on paper. You don’t keep carrying it. This whole Stay Home Dad concept is about me dealing with becoming a father at the same time dealing with my moms illness and her subsequent passing.

6.) What musician do you admire most and why?

Bob Marley because it was way more than music.

7.) Peace to you is…

A state that can be had only by remaining prepared for war. Especially when it’s my fear and doubt up against my ambitions. I find peace knowing I did everything I could to support the hustler in me.

8.) What’s next for you in 2023?

Visuals and possibly live event with a small band and some of my close friends.

9.) Where can we find your latest releases?
Stay Home Dad Vol. II | LoFi Mixtape


Stay Home Dad
The studio release is on all major music platforms.

10.) Any last words for the readers?

I hope you like double entendres. Peace.

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