Exclusive Interview: Cee Armel

Cee Armel Drops New Project "Cee The World 2"

Exclusive Interview: Cee Armel

What is your name and what city do you rep?

My name is Cee Armel and I rep Piscataway, New Jersey

Tell us about your latest releases, what inspired you to create them?

My newest release “Cee The World 2” dropped worldwide on August 25th, 2022. The whole inspiration behind the album was the process of locking into a task and completing it with near flawless execution.

What is unique about you and your music?

What makes me unique as well as my music is that there are truly so many layers to me as an individual. I’ve always prided myself on being well rounded. As a young black man in the world, we face so many hurdles big or small that seem to be created to limit our excellence. I take great pride in inspiring those around me to never settle for the status quo.

What shaped your music? 

Life Experiences. My life is one that they can certainly write books about. I’ve traveled quite a bit and seen some things; so I guess my musically mind has been shaped by all of the above.

When did you realize you were going to make music professionally? 

Ive been writing music since the age of 9. But I decided I wanted to try my hand at making a career out of it around 2010.

What type of music do you listen to? 

Rap obviously, R&B, some afrobeats etc

What inspires you to write music? 

I always had a deep passion for writing ever since I was a kid. There was just something about words written on paper that spoke to my soul. Mixed in with my passion for music, it became sort of a no brainer for me to write raps. Along with my family and inner circle, I’ve taken most of my personal experiences both good and bad, and allowed them to serve as the outlines for these pictures I try to paint visually through my sound.

What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about? 

I’m a hooper. Music and athletics go hand in hand. I’m also a big movie buff.

Happiness to you is… 

Happiness to me is being able to share your wins with those you hold the most dear to your heart.

What do you wish you were told when you first started making music that you think would help artists just starting out? 

I wish I had known how much hard work goes into the behind the scenes aspect of being an artist. I think any artist starting out tends to think that they can just make their best song and it’ll make them a star overnight. You truly have to learn the business or surround yourself with good people who want to see you win. Build Relationships, perfect your craft and keep creating. Things of that nature aren’t really stressed enough to the new up and coming artists.

Tell us about your upcoming projects…

Personally, this latest release is the best in my catalog. I’ll give myself a little bit of time to enjoy this moment before I lock back into the studio and begin work on whatever comes next.

Where do we find you music / music projects?  

You can find my music on all major streaming platforms.
Artist Name: Cee Armel

Any last words for the readers?

I appreciate anyone who has ever listened to any song of mine. My goal is to continue to push my boundaries as an artist as well as continuing to give you guys that high quality sound that I’ve become known for.

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