Everything We Know About the New Cap Brand ‘DOUBLE | VISIÓN’

"Wear Art. Not A Logo"

Everything We Know About the New Clothing Brand 'DOUBLE | VISIÓN'

DOUBLE | VISIÓN was born from the realisation that headwear has become a symbol of status rather than an expression of self. Matt Brown, the founder and creative director of DOUBLE | VISIÓN wanted to go beyond selling hats purely dominated by a logo, arguing that buyers of a logo driven hat are actually just paying to advertise the brand. Matt also decried the lack of attention to detail in current headwear, with even the most luxurious brands failing on simple things like connecting patterns across the hats panels.

He asked, “Shouldn’t people deserve more…?” after all fashion is about art and the hat is the most visible canvas of all. Matt decided to tear up the rule book and provide real luxury, to make hats that weren’t an afterthought, something merely to match a collection, but one off statement pieces where the design, execution and message dominate the need to attach a label. DOUBLE | VISIÓN vowed to be the voice of people who want to express themselves in a more passionate way, who aren’t scared. And along the way they want to empower others to join them.

Check Out Their Latest Collections Here.

DOUBLE | VISIÓN are a London based, hip hop inspired headwear brand. They create limited edition capsules of headwear, with matching bandanas, designed to turn heads. The uniqueness of the artwork and concept means that they are likely to be one of the leaders in a new sub section of headwear that stands for individualism not conformity.

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