Da’Reico J On His Music Journey & Future Plans

Da'Reico J On His Music Journey & Future Plans

Da’Reico J is an excellent artist and singer coming from Los Angeles, California. He has gone through many hard situations in life, which makes him stand out in music. He was raised by a single mother from South Central LA, lived with different people up until he was 12 years old. He comes from the streets which led him in and out of jail starting from the age of 12 years old until he was 24.

Although he has faced many challenges alike other musicians, he overcame them by studying others performing and learning the ropes of new genres. He performed and embraced it until he was comfortable with the audience.

Da’Reico J has many plans and goals for his future, he sees his music advancing with his writing to where he can start to write for other artists. He wants to sell out concerts and arenas, having his music featured in movie soundtracks would be a dream come true.

Follow his Instagram below: https://instagram.com/mr_lightz_out?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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