Craft Syndicate Shines the Spotlight on Visual Artists During Rolling Loud Miami Weekend

Craft Syndicate Shines the Spotlight on Visual Artists During Rolling Loud Miami Weekend
Jade (Duo Zhang), Atlanta (Lawal Izuagbe), Undressed (Andres Cresp) and Josh Geltzer. Robi Joe

The vibrancy of Rolling Loud Miami Weekend extended beyond the recording artists, thanks to Craft Syndicate’s curated celebration of visual artists. Set in the heart of Miami’s Design District, an intimate dinner took place at Swan Restaurant, where creativity and talent converged in a remarkable showcase.

Craft Syndicate’s commitment to empowering emerging artists was on full display as they featured Artlanta (Lawal Izuagbe), Jade (Duo Zhang), Undressed (Andres Cresp), and Josh Geltzer, providing them with a coveted platform to showcase their diverse artworks.

The event epitomized the spirit of creativity and camaraderie as artists, influencers, and industry insiders gathered to support and uplift emerging talent. The night pulsated with energy, fostering an atmosphere of artistic growth and innovation.

Recording Artist DOM and Zarria “Za” Hill. Robi Joe

Stay tuned because Craft Syndicate is continuing the program with a series of events that will include 1:1 conversation with the artists, giving everyone a deeper insight into their creative journey.

As the evening concluded, attendees raised their glasses in a toast, commemorating the unforgettable moments shared and anticipating the upcoming series of events. Craft Syndicate remains committed to cultivating a vibrant artistic community and championing the diverse voices of the next generation.

Photo Credit: Robi Joe
Video Credit: Chinedu Ernesto

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