Cornerstore Bazz Unveils his Panaormic Vision of Survival


Cornerstore Bazz defines the essence of survival and manifestation.

Everyone has to play the cards they are dealt. Imagine growing up without parents, being raised by the stop sign, and fighting for every breath to stay alive.

Waking up and growing to bed hungry is a reality for millions of black people in this divided America. Surviving twenty-four hours as a black man is a blessing each day.

Managing systemic racism, police brutality, corrupt politics, and a suppressed economic system is a mountain black men climb daily. Major Recording Artist Cornerstore Bazz is one of Hip-Hop’s elite storytellers.

Cornerstore Bazz’s lyrics narrate a distinctive pain, passion, frustration, and potential within Black America. Watch Cornerstore Bazz’s vision unfold with his latest visual masterpiece, ‘14gz‘. ’14gz’ recently received video syndication on RADIOPUSHERS TV powered by ROKU.

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