Big Dawg Gene: From the Streets of New Orleans to the Beat of Memphis

In the vibrant music scene of Memphis, Tennessee, a new kind of rhythm is taking shape. Big Dawg Gene, a dynamic artist with a raw talent and unapologetic authenticity, is on a mission to make his mark. With a sound that blends streetwise lyrics with catchy hooks, Big Dawg’s music resonates with the grit and resilience of his hometown of New Orleans.

Growing up in New Orleans, music was an integral part of Big Dawg’s life. “My whole life I have been around music. I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. In elementary school I played the trombone for a couple years trying to follow my pop’s footsteps. In middle school I played the Djembe. From as far as I could remember I have sung in the choir whenever I visited Memphis as a child,” he recalls. This early exposure to the arts cultivated his passion and honed his skills, setting the stage for his future career in music.

Big Dawg’s inspiration comes from a place of deep love and admiration for his mother. “My mom, she always had an unmatched hustle about herself and I think that’s what makes me hustle so hard,” he states. Her strength and determination have served as a constant source of motivation for him throughout his life and musical journey.

While Big Dawg’s creative process varies, he emphasizes the importance of checking in with himself before recording. “I make sure I check myself, my attitude and my energy before recording,” he explains. This mindful approach allows him to bring his most authentic self to his performances and recordings.

As he navigates the music industry, Big Dawg stays true to his roots. “Every morning I take my kids to school afterwards I come home discuss plans with my wife. Next I make sale calls and if my schedule permits I’m recording,” he shares. This balanced approach, combining family, work, and music, reflects the realities of his life and influences his unique sound.

Big Dawg’s music is a testament to his transparency and relatability. “Transparency is my forte. Only to those who don’t know me, there might be a hidden meaning in my music,” he explains. His lyrics cut through the noise with their raw vulnerability, connecting with listeners on a profound level.

While he enjoys collaborating with others, Big Dawg emphasizes the importance of good energy and vibes. “Yes, & all I ask for is good energy and good vibes,” he states. This open-minded approach allows him to create music that speaks to diverse audiences.

Interacting with fans is a priority for Big Dawg. “I’m paying attention to their body language and energy and while staying humble like we’re in one big party,” he describes. This genuine connection with his fans is a key part of his musical journey.

For Big Dawg, the creative process and performing live are his favorite aspects of the music industry. “My least favorite part is paper work which goes without saying lol,” he admits with a laugh. Despite the challenges, his passion for music shines through in his work.

With his raw talent, unwavering dedication, and genuine authenticity, Big Dawg is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. His journey is a testament to the power of staying true to oneself and the potential that lies within us all.

To connect with Big Dawg and hear his music, be sure to follow him on Instagram @bigdawggene, where he shares updates on his latest projects and performances. Get ready to be moved by this rising star’s authentic sound and powerful lyrics.

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