Bakefromthe5 Setting The Record Straight

Tune in to the top prospect in the world of producers, he who is currently attending school at Elizabeth City State University, Bakefromthe5 balances that with his music career with ease. Showing his dedication to not only bettering himself with regard to circumstances relating to music, but in every way that he can.

Based in the 252, Farmville, North Carolina; Bakefromthe5 has finally been getting the long-deserved attention from the community, with the current trajectory being a steep incline. Bakeformthe5 has said his biggest gripe when it comes to where he lives is that the city has a strong and toxic “All for one.” mentality.

Of course, on the other hand his favorite part is the true supporters, his friends and family, OG gang and day one fans. It would take a little more than just a bad tweet to slow him down now! The most telling explanation behind his overall and recent success would have to be his sheer determination and will power to become one of the best producers in the industry. A household name under the likes of Kanye West perhaps.

Having consistently shown improvement throughout his entire music career, from the start to present; that is the path he is currently headed down and we, along with all his other fans and supporters eagerly look forward to what  Bakefromthe5 will be coming up with next!

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